October First Anniversary Giveaway - Week 4
October Give Away Week 2
October Giveaway Winner Week 2
October Giveaway Winner Week 3
October in Review
I’m laughing at myself now when I see that I thought I could save an extra $4,500 in cash by the end of the year. That would have been about $750 each month, starting in July. It has been four months of saving now, and I am almost at $1,000 of extra savings! At the very least, this exercise has made me more aware of how much money I actually have that is not budgeted for.
Extra Cash Flow - $257
Total extra cash saved since July: $968
In October my “extra savings” increased by $257. At the end of September, I was out $300 in reimburseable expenses from work, so essentially I had a $300 extra inflow in October that should have been attributed to September.
However, to offset this extra inflow, I managed to accidentally pay my student loan off by an extra $340! The student loan system switched websites this month, and I tried to make my usual extra payment as soon as I could log in. However, the system kept giving me an error message on the last step. I gave up, and logged back in the next week to complete the payment. THEN two payments show up on my account a few days later. Luckily I had the extra cash, and I’m fine with paying extra, otherwise I’d have been pretty upset!