Yakezie Challenge and Saturday Morning Blog Stats

I am happy to announce that I’ve entered the Yakezie Challenge! You can see the badge over there in my sidebar, along with  widget showing my current Alexa page rank.

Yakezie Personal Finance Blog Network

For those of you unfamiliar with Yakezie, it is a personal finance blog network with a twist. The challenge, for new participants, is to spend 6 months blogging great content, linking to and commenting on other personal finance blogs, and ultimately getting your blog into the top 200,000 Alexa blog ranking.

For those of you that don’t have Alexa, you can download a neat toolbar here at Alexa.com that lets you know the rank of every page you view in your browser.

As part of the challenge, I will be posting weekly traffic updates to track improvements to my blog. I found that posting my CPA exam study hours on my blog kept me feeling accountable and motivated, and I hope that posting my stats will do the same. Eventually, I will switch to updating once a month, but right now I want that weekly update to look forward to sharing!

December 11, 2010 Blog Statistics

Alexa rank: 1,640,888 (On November 20, this was 3,201,816)

Google Analytics Stats over past 7 days:

Visits: 212 = 30.29/day

Page views: 373 = 53.29/day

Switching my website over from AccountingElf.com was definitely a blow to my numbers - I was getting over 120 visits per day many days, and at least 50 at the lowest. Looking back, I probably should not have made the AccountingElf.com domain point to this domain, and perhaps kept them as separate websites, but have the redirect definitely gave AccountantByDay.com an initial boost in ranking.

I also heard that google changed some of their algorithms this week, which always drives stats out of whack.

Has anyone experienced a dramatic upswing or downswing in views this week as a result of that change?

Kellen Cooper avatar
About Kellen Cooper
Kellen Cooper is a CPA.