What does my boss want from me
Sometimes I realize that I assume that my bosses want to see me at work until 10pm every night, and that as long as I do a lot of work (and don’t do much else) they’ll be happy with my performance.
Unfortunately, there are so many more factors - like getting along with everyone.
In my job, I do work for several partners, PLUS the people under them also assign me work. Some days it feels like I have 15 bosses, and need to remember how each one likes to have things done.
Some people are easy to please - they like it when you ask intelligent questions, and do a clean job, with clear notes. Others are a little trickier, and tend to see any question asked as a result of me not using my own brain to figure it out.
With some people, a little flattery, telling them that they’re the best at explaining things and what a great teacher they are! is essential for being able to have a pleasant conversation with them. People like this tend to lose my respect fastest, because they are difficult to deal with if you don’t approach them just right, but they also suddenly become so nice to you if you manage to make them feel superior somehow.
Luckily, the majority of my bosses are pretty straightforward people, who don’t like to waste time on trivialities. However, these bosses can be kind of tricky to figure out, because it’s hard to tell what makes them prefer working with one person over another, since simple flattery is probably just going to make them think you’re a suck up. It could just be that they like the people they can talk sports with when out on a job, or someone who is more similar to them - but it’s hard to adjust yourself to be that person.
In general, I think the way to go, at least at a public accounting firm, is just to be polite, quiet, and get your work done. Sometimes I wonder if I’m wrong though - when quiet can be interpreted as unfriendly, and instead of polite, a boss may prefer someone who has the chuztpah to argue back with them when they make unreasonable or illogical requests.
What are your experiences with bosses that are hard/easy to please? How do you reconcile the ideal of being a “go getter” with also being pleasant and not stepping on toes? Are the two concepts mutually exclusive? What have you found is the best way to make your mark at a new job, while still getting along with everyone?