The 7 Links

I was tagged by FirstGenAmerican to complete the "7 Links" game.

Here are my 7 links:

Most Popular Post

My most popular posts by far are those that talk about daily life of auditing. More specifically, my number one most viewed post is Big 4 vs Regional Firms Part 1. I’m not sure how many regular readers are interested in this kind of thing, since my most “vocal” (commenting) readers tend to be from the Yakezie personal finance crowd, but I know that you accounting readers are out there, even if you’re quiet! (Case in point - that post has been viewed more times than any of my others, but has only a couple of comments.)

I am continuing this series as I learn more about this interesting world of public accounting. One of my goals for this fall, once tax season dies down, is to attend some meetings of our local chapter of the CPA society, and expand my horizons on what it’s like to work at other CPA firms.

Most Controversial Post

I tend to avoid controversy whenever possible on this blog … What that says about me, I’m not sure, but this is a fun project for me, not an exercise in defending my views. Additionally, I don’t hold too many strong opinions on things, since I feel like I am still very much in a “learning” stage of my life (and may be forever?)

Most Beautiful Post

I’m not sure that I would describe any of my posts as beautiful. A big milestone post for me was on Christmas, when my Alexa ranking dropped below 1,000,000! (Don’t click on that link, all it says is that my Alexa ranking dropped below 1,000,000 - I promise. Also there is a picture of a candy cane.) Just this week, my Alexa ranking dropped below 500,000, so woo hoo! We’re making progress!

Post that I am most proud of

I like this post I wrote on Weddings and Wages, back in December. I would like to write more posts like this, that consider how statistics (like the wage gap between lesbians and straight women) may have come about, based on our social norms. I think this kind of stuff is really fun to ponder :).

Post whose success surprised me

My post about the number of Women in Accounting continues to get views from search engines every month. The post is about a specific situation I encountered when I first started working, that highlighted the issues that still exist for women trying to network with men who like to go off and do “all boys activities” so I’m not sure that the post provides the information that these searchers are looking for. I’d like to include some more posts about this topic, since people seem to be interested in reading about this.

Most helpful post

This is a choose your own adventure topic - you tell me which posts you thought were most helpful!

Most underrecognized post

I wrote a post about a friend of mine who is struggling to figure out what she wants to do with her life - but she is putting all careers on hold until she finds “the one” career for her. I wrote a post about the advice I gave her, and asking readers to share their own wisdom. I wish I had gotten more response from my more experienced readers here, as I think this is an interesting topic for young people these days, especially high achievers who think that they need to have a “perfect” job to be happy.

5 bloggers to post 7 links

I’m supposed to tag 5 other bloggers to carry on with this links project, but honestly, I think most of the bloggers I follow right now have already been tagged!

Instead, here are 5 links to other bloggers 7 links!

  1. Yes! I am Cheap
  2. FirstGenAmerican
  3. YoungAndThrifty
  4. Mutant Supermodel
  5. Debt Free by Thirty


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About Kellen Cooper
Kellen Cooper is a CPA.