5 reasons to hire a payroll company
A certain and unworried time
A comment on Todd Aiken's comments
A letter to off leash dog owners
A real fixer-upper
A sad realization
A sprout!
A thought on fraternities
A year in the life of an auditor
Don’t miss the Accountant By Day one-year anniversary give away! Your first chance to win $25 is on Monday! Entries for this week close at midnight EST on Friday, so check out the contest rules and enter!
This month not only marks the one-year anniversary of Accountant by Day (join in the giveaway fun - win prizes all month!), but it has also been one year since I started working in public accounting. Actually this is also the sixth anniversary of my US citizenship too. (Which reminds me, I need to change my voting address…)
Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope to continue to provide more and better content for you this year!
This year was the first year I hadn’t attended school as a full-time student since I was five. I learned as much, and probably retained more, than in college, but it felt like the hardest lessons were not about how to do the work. Rather, the tough lessons were about how to get the work done when you have 3 managers wanting you to get their project finished first. They were about knowing when to ask questions, and how to really try to figure it out on your own first.